1. Introduction

OpenDApps Cloud platform is a product that provides easy access to contract deployment of ERC20 tokens, NFT collections, staking solutions, and much more without the need for any programming skills and without the usual hard-to-navigate UX of web3. The platform is aimed at people who want to start a decentralized project. All they need is a compatible wallet and some native tokens on an EVM chain.

Before pushing updates and new features to EVM mainnets, platform code, and contracts are tested on EVM testnets. This guide explains all the steps required for connecting and testing the platform on the Polygon Mumbai Testnet, BNB Chain Testnet, and DeFiChain MetaChain Testnet.

2. Install a compatible wallet (MetaMask extension)

To enter the OpenDApps Cloud platform and start testing a compatible wallet is required. One wallet which is good for the purposes of this guide is MetaMask. The best setup for testing the platform is a PC with a modern browser and MetaMask wallet extension.

For a detailed guide on installing MetaMask in browsers follow their official guide:


After MetaMask is installed, a configuration of the selected testnet is required.

3. Configure Testnet in MetaMask

3.1 DeFiChain MetaChain Changi Testnet

One way to add access to DeFiChain MetaChain Changi in MetaMask is to add the Network configuration through the settings. A well-detailed guide on the subject has been published by @0ptim_ on Twitter:

The parameters for Changi can be found on the VaultMaxi website as well:

3.2 Polygon Mumbai Testnet

One way to add access to Polygon Mumbai in MetaMask is to add the Network configuration through the settings. A well-detailed guide on the subject can be found in Polygon docs:

An easier way to add Mumbai Testnet in MetaMask is to use the official testnet explorer:

When the page loads there is a button in the bottom right corner with the text “Add Mumbai network” and a MetaMask icon as shown in the image:

Clicking the button will open up a dialog in MetaMask as shown:

Approval of the dialog will add the Mumbai testnet to MetaMask’s available network and the wallet can connect to it. After the network is added the wallet needs some testnet MATIC to sign and broadcast transactions.

3.3 BNB Chain Testnet

One way to add access to BNB Chain Testnet in MetaMask is to add the Network configuration through the settings. A well-detailed guide on the subject can be found in Binance docs:

An easier way to add BNB Chain Testnet in MetaMask is to use the official testnet explorer:

When the page loads there is a button in the bottom right corner with the text “Add BSC network” and a MetaMask icon as shown in the image:

Clicking the button will open up a dialog in MetaMask as shown:

Approval of the dialog will add the BNB Chain testnet to MetaMask’s available network and the wallet can connect to it. After the network is added the wallet needs some testnet tBNB to sign and broadcast transactions.

4. Acquire Testnet native tokens from Faucet

Most EVM testnets have a tool called “a faucet”. That tool is deployed to allow developers on testnets to get small amounts of testnet native tokens for transactions gas.

4.1 Changi DFI

For DeFiChain MetaChain Changi the mydefichain faucet is a good place to get a starting amount of testnet DFI:

4.2 Mumbai MATIC

For Polygon Mumbai the official faucet is a good place to get a good amount (0.5) of testnet MATIC:

4.3 BNB Chain Testnet tBNB

For Polygon Mumbai the official faucet is a good place to get a good amount (0.1–1) of testnet tBNB:

After the testing wallet is funded with enough testnet tokens all preparations are finished and SaaS testing can be started.

5. Connect to the OpenDApps Cloud

To enter the platform it is required to connect MetaMask with the platform. The testnets version of the platform is accessible through the following address:

After the page loads it will provide a select box with available EVM network for the user to select and connect. For this guide it is Polygon Mumbai:

After the selection of the network, the connection is established with the button “Connect & Enter dApp”. The button will trigger a wallet selection provider dialog as shown below:

For this guide, the MetaMask provider is selected which triggers a connect dialog in MetaMask Extension as shown below:


With the approval of the dialog the connection between the dApp and the wallet is established and a success message is presented as shown:

After connecting to the dApp the user can go to his personal dashboard and start testing the services on the selected testnet.

In-depth guides on all available services and other SaaS-related information resources will be available later on in this blog and any related content will be linked here:

  1. Decentralized Companies in OpenDApps Cloud — An Overview
  2. Single Entity Decentralized Companies Overview (TBD)
  3. Guide to Shares-based Multi-Sign Decentralized Companies on OpenDApps Cloud
  4. Guide to Hierarchical Multi-Sign Decentralized Companies on OpenDApps Cloud
  5. Token-as-a-Service Overview (TBD)
  6. More….

